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QuickPay Manual (Short Version)

This manual addresses the broadcast production piece in QuickPay. It is intentionally brief in order to show how quickly you can get up and running and selling ads.

QuickPay Manual (Full Version)

This online manual of QuickPay is a full manual that explains all the different aspects and capabilities of QuickPay from setting up very elaborate race classes to taking registrations, to generating payouts, writing checks and posting race results on WatchMeDad.com. Since 2002 QuickPay has been used to produce over 8,000 barrel races. It has now been expanded to manage almost any kind of event you can imagine. Timed, team and judged events from barrel races to dog shows, and now as a broadcast production tool for high school sports. Use this manual with the understanding that QuickPay is remarkably flexible and with a little investigation you might find new ways to apply it to your own specific needs.

The Mozilla Knowledgebase provides documentation on the FireFox browser and the Windows Media Player plugins.