WatchmeSports is a sports broadcasting network that provides streaming and event management software for Facilities and Producers of amateur sporting events. WatchmeSports is an aggregator of video content produced through the streaming of live sports play. All live streamed content is saved either locally to a computer’s hard disk or remotely to our WatchmeSports servers. WatchmeSports also provides event management as well as email and text marketing while integrating online registrations, accounting, automatic population of run lists, scoring, standings, pool and bracketed play.
There are several forms of revenue that is generated by WatchmeSports, some sharable, some not.
Online Registrations – Are not sharable. All but processing fees are transferred directly to the producer.
Premium Subscription – Is not sharable. WatchmeSports collects a $9 premium subscription to watch live and archived content. This is a base fee that covers our operating costs, the bandwidth and storage fees of all media content. Anyone wishing to watch any live or archived content must have a Premium Subscription to gain access to this content.
Producers know their market better than anyone, so they are responsible for setting prices for PayDaily, PayWatch and PaySeason. With the exception of In-Stream Ads, WatchmeSports is responsible for placing ads and sharing the revenue.
PayDaily – Sharable. provides a way for the Producer to charge to watch live and archived games on that day.
PayWatch – Sharable, provides a way for the Producer to charge to watch live and archived games in an event.
PaySeason – Sharable, provides a way for the Producer to charge to watch all the events covered by this pass.
Over The Top (OTT) Advertising – (Sharable) is when a publisher provides ads from the ad marketplace.
System Ads – (Sharable) are ads generated by the public and uploaded to WatchmeSports.
In-Stream Ads – (Nonsharable) are ads shown by the producer that he acquired from local businesses.
Revenue Sharing Breakdown
PayDaily | PayWatch | PaySeason | OTT Advertising | System Ads | In-Stream Ads | |
WatchmeSport | 25% | 25% | 25% | 50% | 50% | 0% |
Facility | 25% | 25% | 0% | 25% | 25% | 0% |
Producer | 50% | 50% | 75% | 25% | 25% | 100% |
If a Facility is a registered WatchmeSports Facility and has invested in cameras, WiFi and any other production equipment used in the streaming of sports content and the producer plans on using their scheduler to turn-on cameras then the facility will share in the revenue with WatchmeSports and the Producer. If the Producer does not wish to stream live their sporting event then the facility can assume the role of the producer creating an event for the tournament and streaming live all the games in the tournament making them the recipient of the producer’s share.
WatchmeSports is responsible for sharing revenue between all parties. Our event management software QuickPay Pro, which can be downloaded from our website, keeps track of all transactions, giving the Producer and Facility a full accounting of all transactions.