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Like any water sport, streaming is a challenge. As long as the boat is within cell service they can stream directly through their own phone. Scoring

Martial Arts

While this picture was streamed using QuickStream9 and a webcam at the World Championships, most tournament producers cannot afford the luxury of


Baseball is a bracketed event with both Pool and Tournament play. QuickPay9 allows the director of the tournament to setup simple to complicated

Barrel Racing

We cut our teeth on Barrel Racing. Our software has been used to produce over 20,000 barrel races by over 1,200 different clubs and producers. We

Paddle Board

Paddle boarding and sailing are two sports that are almost impossible for an amateur producer to stream live. But with cellular service becoming more


One of the biggest challenges a manager faces is providing exposure for his fighters. The chances of a low ranked fighter being seen by promoters on


The biggest challenge with streaming a surfing contest is the lack of power and Wifi. Our facility streaming solution allows municipalities to